Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Illinois’ Ohio River Outfitters

December 29, 2009 by  
Filed under Hunting Guide, Illinois, Whitetail Deer

Illinois’ Ohio River Outfitters offers trophy whitetail deer hunting in the heart of Illinois deer hunting country. We are an Illinois Whitetail Outfitter located in the extreme Southeast portion of the state, right on the Ohio River. A Quality Deer Management system has been in effect for the past 13 years. Our Illinois whitetail service was the first in the area to manage for world class whitetails. The time and effort put into managing for these trophy class whitetails has more than paid off for our clients. This is why we offer our clients the best chance to harvest a trophy class whitetail in the state of Illinois.

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Illinois' Ohio River Outfitters, 3.2 out of 5 based on 18 ratings

Outfitter Reviews

4 Responses to “Illinois’ Ohio River Outfitters”
  1. Troy Maxwell says:

    The only positive things I ca say is they feed us a good dinner every night and my guide Gregg was good guy.Thirteen guys in camp during the second week of November and not one return customer was my first clue. we were told they did not hunt their farms back to back but I had fresh scent wicks hanging at stand sights.stands I was sent to seemed to be poorly located for the wind I was hunting.I was put on stands that had other hunters 100yds from me that were leaving stands for lunch and returning at 3:00 to hunt the afternoon.when asked to move they just put me in some other unhappy hunters stand and him in mine. I was put in 12ft ladder stands with no cover. the stands seemed to be better suited for a shotgun than a bow.and the last straw for me was when I went pull my bow into the stand with their rope with a caribiner tied on it the knot came out dropping my bow 10 ft to the ground.I sent my guide a text asked to pick me up I went back to camp packed out and left with two days left on hunt.I think they may have some great land with some great deer on it but it is way over hunted.bottom line it seems to be all about the money.after being there four days I had a lot better understanding of why they had no return clients during what should be the most booked week of the year

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  2. xic0bu

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  3. gqb2qs

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  4. k04ie6

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