Cherry Ridge Lodge
Cherry Ridge Lodge is located in Warren, PA which is in the middle of trophy whitetail deer country and the Allegheny National Forest. Cherry Ridge Lodge has access to 2,800 acres of trophy whitetail deer habitat, including a 1,500 acre high-fenced management area to ensure the production of large numbers of trophy class whitetails. Address: 20 Riverside Drive Warren, PA 16365 Phone: 814-723-0286 Email: Website: Mapped Location:

Hadley Creek Outfitters
Hadley Creek Outfitters offers high quality archery and (a limited number of) firearm hunts on over 30,000 privately owned acres of prime whitetail deer habitat in what is arguably the premier whitetail big-buck hunting area in the U.S. . . . west central Illinois,Pike and Adams Counties. The acreage is a carefully managed blend of 70% timber and 30% agricultural with over 3,000 acres of corn, beans, buck forage, alfalfa, clover and rye, food plots specifically for our deer. Address: County Highway 4, Barry, IL 62312 Phone: 217 -335-3804 Website: Mapped Location:

Illinois’ Ohio River Outfitters
Illinois' Ohio River Outfitters offers trophy whitetail deer hunting in the heart of Illinois deer hunting country. We are an Illinois Whitetail Outfitter located in the extreme Southeast portion of the state, right on the Ohio River. A Quality Deer Management system has been in effect for the past 13 years. Our Illinois whitetail service was the first in the area to manage for world class whitetails. The time and effort put into managing for these trophy class whitetails has more than paid off for our clients. This is why we offer our clients the best chance to harvest a ...

Ashlenz Outfitters
Ashlenz Outfitters offers down home accommodations with an exceptional opportunity to harvest the deer hunting trophy of a lifetime. We provide this experience by obtaining high quality Illinois hunting land, offering a modern lodge, and including comforts you might not expect. Ashlenz Outfitters would be happy to have you hunt with us in 2010. Phone: 217-440-5945 Email: Website:


Hatchmatcher Guide Service based out of Historic Scottsville,Virginia has provided...
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God’s Country OutfittersGod’s Country Outfitters is owned and operated by good country folks that have...
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River Bottom BucksRiver Bottom Bucks Outfitters is located in trophy whiletail country in East central IL. We offer a 380-acre secluded setting; ideal for providing the kind of hunting you are looking for. The property has diverse habitat for deer including upland and bottomland hardwood forests, 2 rivers, the Embarras and Little Embarras (pronounced Ambraw), and 37... [Read more of this review]
Big Neck Outfitters
Located in west central Illinois, Bigneck Outfitters, in Adams County, has consistently been at the top of trophy hunter’s destinations for many years. We hunt over 10,000 acres of privately owned and managed woodland, CRP and cropland to provide hunters with a quality whitetail deer and turkey hunt. We have 30 or more available tracts of land... [Read more of this review]

Ashlenz Outfitters offers down home accommodations with an exceptional opportunity to harvest the deer hunting trophy of a lifetime. We provide this experience by obtaining high quality Illinois hunting land, offering a modern lodge, and including comforts you might not expect. Ashlenz Outfitters would be happy to have you hunt with us in 2010. Phone:... [Read more of this review]
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